It's another EMD birthday, so welcome to this collection of sets featuring cakes, and other sweet treats, mostly smeared around cool clothes, sportswear and sneakers! It's fair to say that anniversaries and I have always had an uncomfortable relationship. It was always a firm deadline. A line in the sand; an obvious point to finish. Best not to overstay your welcome. Better to burn out than to fade away . . .
This wonderful, weird and quirky site has a lot of 'me' in it, but it was never supposed to be about me. And so, in the last four years since I stepped back, it has been heartening to see it continue and thrive. I think it is a unique thing, not only for the sheer quantity of fun — 4200+ sets, including more than 1000 free to all — but that we took the decision very early on not to rate things. People should do what they enjoy and someone will enjoy it; chasing clicks leads to a dark place indeed.
So, here we are, another EMD birthday! I can honestly say that for the first time in a long time, I've not had any of those thoughts, no feeling it was time for EMD to go. I don't know if that is partly because I've found some kind of peace, but I do know it is because I've suddenly realised it was never my decision to make in the first place.
Everythingmustdie does not belong to me. It belongs to the Killers who provide such amazing content, with five new sets every week, and to the Supporters who donate to not only help them to provide that, but also to support our nominated charities—Centrepoint and Aktion Deutschland Hilft. When EMD does close down for good—and it is a ‘when’ and not an ‘if’ because (altogether now) everything must die eventually—it will be for them to decide.
I can't tell you how much it means to us that you come here and give us all this love and support; some of you for so, so many years. Thank you. Just thank you from the bottom to every single corner of our hearts. It means the world. So, for the first time in a long time, with a smile and joy, can I simply say Happy Birthday, EMD, you bonkers, wonderful, eclectic and improbable thing!